Monday, September 5, 2011

Random Cards I've Made

This week I'd like to start dropping names of fellow artists who I love. This is something I have been wanting to do for a long time, but was finally swayed by a particular artist whose blog I follow quite religiously, Ethan from Axe Cop. He gives an artist recommendation every Monday and it seems like a wonderful way to not only share and promote talented artists, but also to possibly get a dialogue started on this blog. It'd love to hear reactions from readers and other people's favorite artists.

Axe Cop is a comic written by a 6 year old and illustrated by his adult brother. If you have never heard about Axe Cop then woah baby are you missing out! Many heads are chopped off in the name of justice, but only bad heads, and they always get put away in the "Head Trash" at the end of the day. So it's all good. Ethan also started a new comic entitled Bearmagedon which is monster sick and totally worth checking out.

But, if you are a friend of mine, (and most likely you are because I deeply suspect that only my friends look at this blog), you already have heard me rant about these comics. So quit twiddling your thumbs and take a big visual bite of this weeks art!

I'm a big lover of hand-making cards for friends. Here are a few I made this summer and documented before I sent them off. I will give you a warning, these card are most definitely a bit blue and admittedly intended to offend.

It's a birthday thumbs-up!! Yay!!

This card was made for my best friend who was having a rough time working at a crappy job. Yes, this is my pep-up card. Yes, I am that kind of friend.

I have always wanted to make cards and sell them, and there is an amazing card company in Buffalo, NY that hand-silkscreens original cards called Great Arrow. They hire a full-time staff of designers, but they also high freelance. SO if you can draw and have the time. . . jump on it! I know I want to, but maybe suicidal pandas are not what they are interested in. At least, not at the moment.

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