Sunday, February 12, 2012

Valentines Day

It is my tradition to send out handmade valentines every February 14th to friends and family. As I like to reiterate every year, a holiday to celebrate love is truly a wonderful day, but don't get caught up in the belief that valentines day is only for sweethearts, because that can ruin it fast, especially if, like me, you've been single for almost every V-Day! For me it is an appreciation day for all the ones in your life who you love in whatever way that may be; my parents for their constant quirky stories and support, my nieces and nephew for always finding time to climb into my lap to make a fart, and my friends for somehow always knowing what I'm feeling even before I say it. Restricting it to just boyfriend girlfriend stuff is poo-poo and a waste of a good excuse to love people. Though I will give a small shout out to a little lumberjack that I know.

The only sad part about this is I don't always have enough time to make all the valentines I want for all the cool people I know. So, here I will post some of the drawings I did this year for all to appreciate. If you did not receive one from me then I will send you double mental kisses.

Happy Valentines day readers. I love you. Please pass it on.

ps. This is only a small portion of my valentines. I will hopefully post more soon, but heck, it's not even Valentines day yet! So hold your horses!

1 comment:

Mark said...

Awesome They are all so cute. Every recepient will be lucky. And everyone else will see them and want all of them. I know I do.