Sunday, January 29, 2012

Lobster Contest Winner!

Yes folks, we do have a winner. I mentioned in my last post, sort of half jokingly, that I would give a prize to the person who guessed correctly how many times I've made art with lobsters in it. I was originally making fun of myself, but after thinking about it again, well heck, it actually was a great premise for a real contest! If you were not aware that this was a real legit contest then you should find me on Facebook, which is where I like to do all the contest and other fun projects.

I am very happy with how may people participated! Yay for you! And especially yay for Chris Capozzi from 25 Foot Clown who correctly guessed 12 lobsters!

As a prize Chris is honorably presented with his very own Victory Lobster, an eternal symbol of strength, passion, and an ability to count lobsters. Congrats Chris. Kick up your carapace in joy and clack your mandibles in a hearty guffaw.


Mark said...

Good job Chris!!! The Victory Lobster is sweet. Does he bring good fortune to the one lucky enough to earn his favor?

Melissa Mandel said...

I am sure that only time will tell!

Chris said...

The Victory Lobster is now framed and hanging in our room, and I can feel the victory radiating off his carapace. Thanks Melissa!