Sunday, June 24, 2012

Hive Monster and Unicorn Poop

Here's a drawing I did last week on what having hives felt like. Luckily they are all gone and everything has gone back to normal. Phew!! Picture's a bit blurry cause I'm still looking into getting a camera that actually works.

And to celebrate, here is UNICORN POOP!!!! It is so delicious! It's a cookie and honestly it is one of the tastiest cookies I've made in a long time. Allison Braun from Goats and Glory had a birthday this week and these are her birthday sweets. There were so colorful and turned out so well that I just had to add this picture to this week's post. If you want to make them I got the recipe HERE. Try it, it's so much fun!

Have a great week everyone!


April Warren said...

this is what the cookie looks like after it is baked? amazing.

Mark said...

Yeah they were really good as well. A cream cheese sugar cookie. Mmmm.

Melissa Mandel said...

If by baked you mean shat out a uni-hole. . . then yes.