Sunday, September 8, 2013

Wilhelm der Naturforscher

Since we've started up the Quill Them All blog again I've spent this month working on my submission. The theme was "An Unlikely Pair." I've already posted it to the Quill page, but since this is my own blog I figured it'd be cool to also post some work in progress photos. Especially since to do this drawing I used frisket for the first time, something I've been drooling over but never actually splurged on. I'm ridiculous, I'll just usually painstakingly paint around every tiny detail, but now that I have frisket it takes half the time. :)

I'm not entirely sure about Wilhelm's story and I am still developing him. I do know that he is a German naturalist from about the late 1800s, (Wilhelm der Naturforscher means Wilhelm the Naturalist).  He has somewhat unconventional methods as shown below, traveling in polar bears to study the North Pole. He is not magical, he simply uses his sound reasoning, though his reasoning is a lot like a child's, simple, fantastical, potentially plausible and often improbable. And I think I love him.

And here's some action shots. The frisket is tinted to make it easier to see on the paper, and after it has dried and you're done with it, you can just rub it off. Genius.

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