Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Watcher

So I finally started an artist page on the ol' Facebookaroo, so follow me! I will post weekly links and reminders for my Monday updates as well as behind the scenes photos of works in progress, and updates on where I may be showing work next. Perhaps I will even start an occasional competition with my fans, the winner getting some small piece of arty goodness from me. Does that sound fun or what?

And Like me, cause heck, I like you! And tell your friends, I want to like and be Liked by them too!

This weekend I was at the New York Comicon (partially the reason this post is late). It was three days of total pandemonium in spandex and painted cardboard. My friend Erich from the web comic So Damn Bright did a series of drawings that I think summed up the weekend pretty well. I made a guest appearance for the Saturday panel. I'm the Paper Sword Princess standing next to the Bad Sailor (identities we made up out of cardboard the night before because we felt like the other nerds were taunting us with their costumes). It's awesome! Check it out!


"The Watcher"

This is a drawing I started last summer and found beneath piles of sketches. This is kind of a character drawing and I think this dude definitely has a story, but I'm still not resolute on it. He is a bit creepy looking, but I don't think he means any real harm, hence the name "The Watcher," I think he just keeps an eye on things, but to what end I do not know.

Probably a sinister end. . .


Mark S said...

I don't think he is sinister,just misunderstood. He reminds me of the scary guy in the corner who just watches the party. He seems weird but when you talk to him he is actually an ok guy

Melissa Mandel said...

So. . . he reminds you of yourself? he he he. No, I think you are spot on and I'm glad you feel that way about him. He's really a pretty cool dude. Just with a bad first impression, like the BFG (big friendly giant). He is nicer than he looks.