Monday, July 16, 2012

Unicorn Head and Pretty Lady

 "She couldn't help it, they just kept growing."

 Here's the final drawing of the "work in progress" I posted a few weeks ago. There is another version of it on the Quill Them All illustration blog (which was what I made this for). The theme was "Circus Freaks," which after looking through google images of circus freaks I lost most of my drive to finish this month's "quill" because every image I saw was so sad to me.  I decided to express this theme in a more beautiful way.

A few months ago I watched a TED video by a photographer Rick Guidotti who, after photographing supermodels became bored and began photographing people with albinism. He did so in such a way that brought out the beauty in these striking people and treated their disorder with love and honor. Albinism has a historically been stigmatized as evil, spooky, or ugly and Albinos were often in circus side shows. I was very inspired by Guidotti and his ability to change the perception of a group of people.  Watch his video it truly is wonderful.

So yes, she is a gorgeous albino, but my favorite part is how she can't help the fact that she blossoms wherever she goes. If you're going to stand out, stand out in style.

And yes, it seems I do have an unhealthy obsession with sadistically rendered unicorn food objects. In my defense this was made with someone other than me in mind, but I will still take full responsibility. (It was delicious. . . and it was filled with red jelly).

1 comment:

Mark said...

With albinos it is the paleness that creates their ethereal beauty. They are like living spirits, very entrancing.