Tuesday, October 9, 2012


For all of you who made it out to COTA thank you! It was so much fun. And to the gaggles of children who fawned over Allison's stuff like crack addicts. . . wow. Allison has truly discovered that catnip for children is adorably drawn, brightly colored, cute little animals. She knows her powers, and luckily she will use them for good only, and NOT to create a vast army of tiny children who do her bidding for the price of a wall-eyed fluffy bunny neck-lass. I on the other hand would not use my powers so judiciously and am thus condemned with a slightly less adorable obsession of putting mustaches and uni-brows on vegetables.  . . for the good of mankind in the long run, I'm sure.

Here was my first customer, a wonderful woman who adopted my yeti bag. She's an artist, but I never caught her name. I hope all her dreams come true and her yeti bag hugs her in the middle of the night when she's sleeping, as all good yetis do.

And here are the prizes for knowing my code word, "Fop-Doodle!" Thank you everyone who participated!! And coming up for next week, a closer look at some new items I magicked into existence for the sake of COTA. Until then, rock on! 

PS. OH!!! And come see me at the Animal show at Cornell Street in Kingston!!! Oh I'M SO EXCITED!!! I haven't had stuff framed and up on a wall in a long time! It'll be great! There will be animal lovers there that you can talk to about how great pets are. There will be music and probably noshy snacky snacks. I will be there high-fiving anyone to get within a 2 foot radius of me and head butting anyone within a two inch radius of me (mmm, well maybe I'll restrain myself in public). Hang on Mr. Toad, we're all in for a wild ride!!

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