Saturday, November 12, 2011

Leaf Litter

It has been a busy week so far. I have been blessed to have had a couple illustration gigs, one of which will be my first book/publication ever! Its a book on Tai Chi and my contribution will be sketches demonstrating various exercises. Remember everyone, keep that head-top suspended! As soon as it comes to print, you bet your buttons I'll make another note about it so maybe you can get a chance to check it out. And if the book itself turns out half as intriguing as the author, then it will be a definite gem.

The post for this week is one I've been holding onto for a little while. For one reason or another it kept getting pushed back onto the massive pile of art in my room, but though it was out of sight, it was not out of mind and it makes its debut today! And just in time too, almost all the leaves have left the trees. Pretty soon I'm going to have to do some drawings of snow instead. Snow and worm-cicles!

"Leaf Litter"


Mark said...

It came out great. Hadn't seen the finished work in detail.

Melissa Mandel said...

It's actually real worms. I asked them to pose for this picture. Then I fed them to my newt Olivia!

Mark said...

Don't tease Olivia like that. You should get her a worm soon before the ground freezes.