Monday, June 4, 2012

Redwing Back-to-Back Birds

Here's the final drawing! I've been staring at it for weeks and finally decided I was sick of looking at it. It's funny how things magically look finished once you take the tape off of them and hold them up to the wall!


 This is a close up of the RedWing Back-to-Back birds. I came up with the name myself and it tickled me pink, probably way more than it should have.  Let me know what you think of this. I have a long involved story behind this piece, but I am not sure if anyone really cares. Talk to me!

And because I've been inexcusably tardy these past couple of weeks (due to illness and my birthday celebrations) I'll throw in a work in progress for even measure. This is a woodcut I'm working on of a little wren. I'll be printing it using a process called Maku Hanga, which is a Japanese technique that means roughly, "wood print." This process is a water based one and does not require a press. I'll take pictures in progress when I get around to printing it. Other Maku Hanga artists are Annie Bissett, Andy Farkus.

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