Monday, December 5, 2011

Quill Them All

For those of you who are not aware of it, I am a part of an illustration blog called Quill Them All wherein we collectively post a monthly illustration based on a changing theme. I have been horribly late for the November post, but finally I am posting my offering to the gods of illustration. Better late than never. November's theme was "Fairy Tale Mash Up." Check out the posts of the other collaborators, as they rock! Click Here!!

(please click to view larger)

In this drawing I played with the idea of stories being like plants. They grow first in the ground and when they have reached maturity then they can be uprooted and shared with others. I chose some of my favorite heroins in fairy tales, all who have had to endure the struggles of adulthood whether it's being a young mermaid in love and unhappy in her own skin, a hairy adolescent locked up a phallic tower, or sexy little Red who is being perused by a lecherous wolf. Oh ladies, if only you could have stayed in the ground and grown into yourselves more, these ordeals would perhaps not have been so traumatic.

1 comment:

Mark said...

I thought Little Red Riding was you at first glance.